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STOR Colloquium: Gudrun Johnsen, University of Iceland

20 Feb @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Gudrun Johnsen

University of Iceland


Title: If you look close enough you can see a whole lot: Data collection and analysis of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission looking into the Icelandic Banking Collapse in 2008


Abstract: The combined collapse of Iceland’s three largest banks is the third largest bankruptcy in history and the largest banking system collapse suffered by any country in modern economic history, relative to GDP. In 2008 the Icelandic Parliament installed a Special Investigation Commission (SIC) with exceptional data privileges to respond to the outcry of the Icelandic public and its demand to know why the banks failed.  The SIC data collection, data analysis and 2400-page report match few others in the public domain, as Commissioners could cease all data considered necessary for the Investigation.


20 Feb
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Event Category:


Hanes Hall
Hanes Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599 United States