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Amarjit Budhiraja
Amarjit S. Budhiraja
332 Hanes Hall

I graduated in 1994 from UNC under the direction of Professor Gopinath Kallianpur. After graduation I did a one year postdoc at Iowa State University, Math Department, under Professor Wolfgang Kliemann, and then a two year postdoc at Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics, under Professor Harold Kushner. I was a tenure track Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame, Department of Mathematics from 1998-2000 and in 2000 I returned to UNC.

Research Interests

Probability, Stochastic Analysis, and Large Deviations

Research Synopsis

I work in probability and stochastic analysis and some of the topics I am interested in are Large Deviations, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Differential Games, Stochastic Networks, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Random Graphs, Stochastic Numerics, Nonlinear Filtering. Together with Paul Dupuis I have authored a book on theory and applications of Large Deviations, Analysis and Approximation of Rare Events.