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Andrew Nobel
Andrew B. Nobel
Distinguished Professor
308 Hanes Hall

B.S., with honors, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, 1985; Certificate of Study, Mathematics, Cambridge University, England, 1986; Master's, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1988; Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1992

Research Interests

Machine Learning, Computational Genomics, and Data Mining

Research Synopsis

Much of my research is driven by the statistical analysis of data arising in genomics and biomedicine. My students, collaborators, and I are working on a variety of problems that involve statistical applications, methodology, and theory. Descriptions of some of these problems, and of some more theoretically oriented work, can be found at these links.

Expression Quantitative Trait Loci, (eQTL) analysis
Statistical Analysis of Networks
Mining Differential Correlation
Inference for Dynamical Systems.