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ASA DataFest at Duke 2023

March 8, 2023
DataFest 2023

ASA DataFest at Duke 2023 is organized by the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University and will take place Friday March 24th through March 26th, 2023. The last day to register is March 10th.

DataFest is a data analysis competition where teams of up to five students attack a large, complex, and surprise data set over a weekend. Your job is to represent your school by finding and communicating insights into these data. The teams that impress the judges will win prizes as well as glory for their school. Everyone will have a wonderful experience, lots of food, and fun!

The event is open to all Undergraduate and Master’s students, regardless of level of programming experience. In previous years, students in introductory STAN courses have won awards and prizes. Additionally, in anticipation of the event weekend, Duke’s Center for Data and Visualization Sciences will host pre-event workshops. See the DataFest website for more details:

Whether you form a team or wish to be assigned to a team, registration is open! You can sign up (and read more about DataFest) here: