Available Faculty Positions
October 10, 2023

The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has openings for three tenure-track positions at the assistant professor level in the areas of Data Science, Analytics and Probability starting July 1, 2024.
The department and university are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, advancing the ideals espoused at https://diversity.unc.edu. We welcome applications from candidates who will add to the department’s diversity.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and welcomes all to apply without regard to age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status.
We will begin considering candidates after November 3, 2023, and will continue accepting applications until the position is filled. The application package should include a cover letter, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, representative papers, and a graduate transcript. Applicants should arrange for four letters of recommendation. At least one of the letters should include an evaluation of the applicant’s teaching ability. Application materials and letters must be submitted in electronic form only.
Joint faculty position in Data Science (STOR/SDSS)
Candidates must possess a PhD in Statistics, Operations Research, or some closely related field by the start date of the appointment. Applicants are also expected to have a strong track record in research, teaching, and service commensurate with the level of the appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to direct an independent research program supported by extramural funding, to participate in data science activities and to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels through the STOR department and SDSS. For further information on SDSS please visit https://datascience.unc.edu.
- Click on https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/266959 to apply for this position.
- For inquiries, please contact Stor-Search-SDSS24@unc.edu
Faculty position in Analytics
Candidates are required to have a doctorate (or foreign equivalent) in statistics, operations research, industrial and systems engineering or a related field, with a focus on data-driven decision making, machine learning or other areas related to analytics. The Department is seeking candidates who have the potential to maintain a strong research program in analytics. A commitment to data-driven, application-oriented and interdisciplinary research will be a positive factor in the consideration of candidates. Duties of this position include teaching, research, and service. The successful candidates will be comfortable with teaching courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels in the department at the intersection of their expertise and the needs of the department.
- Click on https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/267046 to apply for this position.
- For inquiries, please contact Stor-Search-Analytics@unc.edu
Faculty position in Probability
Candidates are required to have a doctorate (or foreign equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics or a related field with a focus in the area of probability theory by the start date of the appointment. The Department is seeking candidates who have strong training and an established research record in probability. Duties of this position include teaching, research, and service. The successful candidate will be comfortable with teaching courses in probability and related areas at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as introductory courses in the department. The potential for interaction with other groups in the department and the university will be a positive factor in the consideration of candidates.
- Click on https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/266028 to apply for this position.
- For inquiries, please contact Stor-Search-Probability@unc.edu
Postdoctoral position in Networks
This position is a three-year postdoctoral fellowship starting July 1, 2024 funded by the Research training grant from the NSF, Networks: Foundations in Probability, Optimization, and Data Sciences. U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
The position comes with a two-course teaching load per year. The primary responsibility of the postdoctoral fellow will be to develop an independent and vigorous research program with guidance from RTG faculty members. In addition, the postdoctoral fellow will be actively involved in various activities of the RTG including mentoring of undergraduates in research and running of research seminars. Areas of interest include Probability, Optimization, Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Science.
- Click on https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/266069 to apply for this position.
- For inquiries, please contact rtg_stor@unc.edu