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Alumni Profiles

Amruth Sriperumbudur

Amruth Sriperumbudur
Position: Innovation Consulting Intern, RTI Innovation Advisors
Quote: How can the sky by the limit when there’s footprints on the moon. -Logic

Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim
Position: Undergraduate Research Consultant, Pre Med
Quote: The world is one big data problem. I learned best when talking things out and working through problems with my peers!
Fav Courses: 455

Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson
Position: Data Science, UNC
Quote: All I know is grind. -Ray Lewis
Fav Courses: 455

Ted Henson

Ted Henson
Position: Basketball Analytics, Sacramento Kings
Quote: Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plan. -Robert Louis Stevenson
Fav Courses: 565

Daniel Barlow

Daniel Barlow
Position: United States Peace Corps.
Quote: The idea that I should trust my eyes more than the stats, I don't buy that because I've seen magicians pull rabbits out of hats and I know that the rabbit's not in there. -Billy Beane
Fav Courses: 565

Jack Leary

Jack Leary
Position: Associate Health Business Analys, Florida Blue
Quote: Start learning R/Python as early as you can! It makes doing your homework much easier, and it'll get you a job.

Crystal Baker

Crystal Baker
Position: Global Technology Analyst Intern at Bank of America
Quote: I didn’t dream I’d go to space - I assumed I would. -Mae Jemison

Jessica Chen

Jessica Chen
Position: Workup Specialist at Be The Match

Mehr Tandon

Mehr Tandon
Position: Business Analyst Intern, Incedo
Quote: Check your minus signs!
Fav Courses: 435

Michael Harvey

Michael Harvey
Position: Incoming Analyst, Goldman Sachs
Quote: Literally get to know and make friends with people in your STOR classes because 1. they're great and 2. it will only benefit you in the end!
Fav Courses: 320 and 455

Sean McCaffery

Sean McCaffery
Position: Software Engineer, Millennium Advisors
Quote: To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. -Steve Prefontaine
Fav Courses: 435

Connor Heyn

Connor Heyn
Position: Global Transaction Services Analyst, Bank of America

Olivia Monroe

Olivia Monroe
Position: Technology Consultant, IBM
Quote: At UNC, a STOR minor or major is arguably the best way to show grit and intellect for a technology related career.
Fav Courses: 320, 435,and 445

Alex Matthew

Alex Matthew
Position: Investment Strategy Analyst, NISA Investement Advisors

Coleman Johnson

Coleman Johnson
Position: TIAA-Bank
Quote: You're going to make mistakes, don't dwell on them. Remember, everything is hard before it is easy.
Fav Courses: 320, 455, and 305

Prabath Kotha

Prabath Kotha
Position: Apple
Quote: Don’t do the bare minimum! It’s usually the extra bits that feel most rewarding.
Fav Courses: 435

Michael Taffe

Michael Taffe
Position: Reporter, Education NC

Brian McGrinder

Brian McGrinder
Position: Associate Financial Analyst, LPL Financial
Quote: Trust the process, focus on learning the course material, not the grade at the end.
Fav Courses: 320

Basil Rodts

Basil Rodts
Position: Data Analyst at North Carolina Joint Underwriting

Rachel Austin

Rachel Austin
Position: Data Analyst at XPO Logistics
Quote: Seek out conferences, outside experiences, and courses you wouldn't otherwise take and use these as a springboard in figuring out your interests within the sphere of data analysis.

Samantha Ferraro

Samantha Ferraro
Position: Siri Software Engineer, Apple
Quote: All models are wrong, but some are useful. -George Box
Fav Courses: 435

Jackson Cabell

Jackson Cabell
Position: Senior Associate, Data Science, Bain & Company

Nicolas Schwarz

Nicolas Schwarz
Position: Data Analyst at Principal Financial Group
Fav Courses: 320

Svetak Sundhar

Svetak Sundhar
Position: Google
Quote: Always be funny and engaging while talking. Learn things as deeply as you possibly can.
Fav Courses: 565

Emma Deschene

Emma Deschene
Position: Developer at BMO Financial Group

Katy Dettmer

Katy Dettmer
Position: Workup Specialist at Be The Match
Quote: Make the most out of office hours and go frequently. It is a great way to meet your professor in a large classroom and master the material.
Fav Courses: 320

Bill Hansen

Bill Hansen
Position: Data Analytics Consultant: CapTech
Quote: Eat or be eaten. Also, make friends in your STOR classes because it will make your life much easier. Queues are literally everywhere.
Fav Courses: 445

Catherine Gill

Catherine Gill
Position: Sr. Business Analyst at Capital One

Sumati Sridhar

Sumati Sridhar
Position: Data Analyst: Acumen, LLC
Fav Courses: 555

Ryan Thomas

Ryan Thomas
Position: High Touch Operations Manager at Cisco
Quote: Consider also getting a computer science and INSL minor along with the major, STOR, because programming knowledge is very important.
Fav Courses: 320 and 565

Alexandra Beja-Glasser

Alexandra Beja-Glasser
Position: Client Services Associate at ABC Insights, A HelioCampus Company
Quote: First and foremost, stop comparing yourself to your classmates. It's not productive! Do research; it's a lot of fun and a great experience!
Fav Courses: 320

Casey Turczynski

Casey Turczynski
Position: Financial Tech Consultant: Galatea Associates, LLC
Quote: Dont sweat the small stuff. Everything's small. Some of the classes in the major are really hard and may not seem too applicable, but stick with it, the major is worth it.
Fav Courses: 320 and 455