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Statistics & Operations Research

The Department of Statistics and Operations Research specializes in inference, decision-making, and data analysis involving complex models and systems exhibiting both deterministic and random behavior. We focus on developing and analyzing the necessary quantitative and computational tools to enable practitioners to solve problems in statistical and probabilistic analysis, modeling, optimization, and the evaluation of system performance. Our research work is at the core of Data Science, Machine Learning/AI, Analytics, Network Science and related fields.




2024 Spring Commencement RSVP's Have Been E-mailed to STAN Degree Candidates

Teaching Position

Teaching Position

The department seeks to hire a new teaching faculty member...



Check out our revamped MS Program in Statistics, Analytics, and Data Science...



The department is excited about the launch of the UNC Sports Analysis Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL)...




The research of the Optimization group covers a wide range of topics, such as convex and variational analysis, semidefinite programming, convex and nonconvex programming, complementarity problems and variational inequalities, integer programming, and optimal control…


The Probability group encompasses a wide range of research interests and research expertise including, Extreme Value Theory and stochastic dynamical systems with applications in Engineering, Oceanographic, Environmental and Biomedical sciences; Stochastic Analysis, Large Deviations…


The research interests and expertise of the Statistics group encompass many active areas of statistical research and application, including inference for complex data, time series, and dynamical systems, machine learning, network analysis, environmental statistics, statistical genomics, and financial…

Stochastic Modeling

Stochastic Modeling
The Stochastic Modeling group mainly focuses on decision making under uncertainty in complex, dynamic systems, and emphasizes practical relevance. Standard stochastic methodological and modeling techniques like discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, renewal and regenerative…


Students sitting around tables while man writes on chalkboard

The department runs highly popular Statistics and Analytics (STAN) major and minor, and partners for Data Science (DS) minor. Our offerings include “Foundations of Statistics and Data Science” (STOR 120), “Introduction to Data Science” (STOR 320), “Sports Analytics” (STOR 538) and many other highly sought undergraduate courses.

Our graduate MS and Ph.D. programs in Statistics and Operations Research provide challenging and comprehensive training across the full spectrum of STOR.


Three people sitting at a table with graphs in the background

The department runs the UNC Statistical / Data Science Consulting Center, which serves clients across campus and elsewhere. Under the supervision of faculty members, graduate students work with the clients to address their statistical & data science questions.

Separately, STOR graduate students run the Data Outreach Program for Students (Data OPS) aimed at educating local K-12 students in data science topics.

Spring 2024 Commencement Update

Clear Bag Policy

Guests are encouraged to leave all bags at home, but the following items will be allowed into all Commencement venues, including Kenan Stadium, the Dean E. Smith Center and all other ceremony locations:

  • Any clear plastic or vinyl bag no larger than 12″ x 6″ x 12″, including gallon freezer bags.
  • Small clutch purses no larger than 4.5″ x 6.5″.
  • Necessary medical items following inspection at entry gates.
  • Up to two unopened 20 ounce or smaller bottles of water per person and empty drink containers that can be filled up at drinking fountains.
  • For more information, see the Kenan Stadium Policy, which will apply at all ceremony venues.

Please remember that balloons, noisemakers, weapons of any kind, any other item that in the judgment of management staff poses a safety hazard or detracts from the ability of others to enjoy the event are prohibited. All permissible bags and containers are subject to search upon entry.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these safety measures.